Educational Testing


Psychoeducational Testing

This is the most common type of evaluation for school-aged children and adolescents who are having trouble at school. By measuring a student's general cognitive ability, academic skills, attention, behavior, motivation, and social and emotional functioning, it is the best way of identifying obstacles to academic performance. Psychoeducational testing can diagnose specific learning disorders (e.g., dyslexia), attention deficits (e.g., ADD/ADHD), and a variety of other problems and can offer a "big picture" perspective.


Gifted Testing

Some students are blessed with unusually strong cognitive ability and academic skills, which can qualify them for gifted placement in school. Determining a student's eligibility for a gifted placement is a straightforward process but requires the use of specific testing instruments to be accepted by school systems.


ADD/ADHD Testing

Inconsistent focus is a common problem. However, in some cases, problems with focus, time management, organization, and planning are beyond a child's control that, left untreated, can limit a child's ability to meet his full potential. A thorough evaluation is the best way to tell the difference and help you know what, if any, treatment is needed.  

Ready to get things figured out?

Please contact our office for more information or to schedule an appointment.